Three people on grassy area near woodland cutting up felled trees using saws and loppers

We’re excited to announce that our monthly Green Angels projects are back up and running!   We had our first session at the end of August, our next session is on 26th September at Corstorphine Hill.   Our first session saw us felling trees to increase the light and biodiversity in a pond at the Wells O Weary in Holyrood Park.  Read on for what we got up to at Wells O Weary or skip to the bottom for info about our next session at Corstorphine Hill.

At Wells O Weary, we whacked the nettles back from around the trees, it was surprisingly satisfying. After we’d selected and checked our trees, we used the step and wedge technique to fell them, “Timber!” The trees were then cut into logs and stacked to create a habitat pile.  Newts, frogs and invertebrates will spend the winter in leaf litter and wood piles like the one we made.  So it was great when we spotted an adult smooth newt who might well make use of our new habitat pile!

In the afternoon we explored the area and got to know what lives in the ponds when they get enough light.  We found water boatmen and many other creatures.  The young newts, with their mane of gills, especially captured our hearts. By the end of the day we felt proud of our efforts, relieved and joyful.  Thank you all for all your hard work, it was a pleasure to work alongside you, see you next time?

Next Time

At our next session we will be removing Salmonberry to allow the young trees to grow on Corstorphine Hill on Saturday 26th September.

Click here to book 

Green Angels can count as volunteering or skills for your Duke of Edinburgh Award. We also offer low income tickets at just £4 per person.

Green Angels is a conservation and skills program for girls and young women aged 12-18. We welcome trans and non-binary young folk.  Each session includes a conservation task to improve our local environment, learning new practical skills with tools, making friends with new people and quiet time to enjoy being outside.

Click here for more information.