As we gradually move into Phase 3 we are delighted to be finally getting some young people together outside on a Green Team summer programme. We are teaming up with CAMHS (Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services) who support young people with a variety of mental health conditions. Over 6 sessions we will be supporting their Covid-19 recovery with some nature connection and practical work in local greenspaces. We will have two groups running, one in Edinburgh and one in Livingston.
The effects of lockdown on the wellbeing of children and young people are a real cause for concern. Social isolation and spending a lot of time indoors away from your friends has known implications for short-and long-term mental health. It is especially harmful for those from marginalised and disadvantaged groups and those with pre-existing mental health conditions.
Outdoors is definitely the best place to be. The scientific consensus is that risk of transmission of Covid-19 is much lower outdoors than indoors due to natural ventilation and sunlight. It is also possible to maintain physical distancing more easily outdoors.
The Green Team’s recipe for gentle nature activities, outdoor play and some team tasks will help re-connect young people to each other and the natural environment and begin the journey back to social and emotional health.