nature connection

After 18 weeks of meeting online, some of the Nature Connection group met at Bawsinch Nature reserve in Duddingston … 4 hours of wellbeing activities and reconnecting was just the ticket on an extremely hot day.

The Nature Connection Group was started at the beginning of lockdown, facilitated by our volunteer co-ordinator, Mandy Craig, in order to stay connected to our volunteer leaders. It felt like a positive way to help us all cope with isolation through a shared love of nature connection. The group have shared book reviews, meditation, environmental art activities and fond memories of time outdoors.

“It was my first time in a hammock and I spent a delicious 20 minutes forest bathing, gazing up into the leaves and feeling extraordinarily relaxed at the end of it.”

If you would like to support young people to enjoy time outdoors and connect with nature, find out more here.