Penny holding glass sculpture of our new logo

Beautiful glass sculpture made by Sarah

Each year we hold our Green Team Gatherings in Spring and Autumn, a chance for volunteers to come together and participate in a range of training workshops. Due to the coronavirus, we held our Spring Gathering on Zoom, but having successfully choreographed a number of socially distanced outdoor events over the last few months we decided a small group of us would meet outside. Simon Robinson from Barnardo’s engaged us in understanding the world from the viewpoint of a young person with autism and Rosa and David presented a different way of relating to the climate emergency through storytelling rather than hard scientific facts.

The forecast was for a Green Team ‘wet pants day’, a day when the rain is so heavy your waterproofs leak but the rain stayed away, the sun shone and the wind swirled an autumn leaf-storm around us.

It was a perfect day in a beautiful place with some lovely people. We finished up weaving willow fish and autumn wreaths around the fire.

small adult group round a fire at bawsinch
willow and firelighting material on the ground