Penny with the Edinburgh Youth and Children’s Work Strategy Document (spot the Green Team Volunteers on the cover!)

written by Penny Radway, CEO of The Green Team

I was delighted to attend the launch event of this strategy at the City Chambers on 3rd May, particularly as the Green Team was well represented within the strategy document through images of our quality outdoor youthwork and the story of one young person’s journey from participant to Green Team project leader.

Whether youth work is delivered indoors, or as we prefer it out in nature, the key components are the same: young people are there because they want to be; it’s about both learning and personal development; and engagement starts from where the young person is at through stable and prolonged involvement.

Youth workers play a key role in forming positive and trusted relationships which enable young people to deal with the challenges that life throw at them. Often challenges occur at key or transitionary periods of life and these relationships enable them to see new positive pathways which help them to both define their goals and aspire to reach them.

In the Green Team our recipe of outdoor group work does just this. Through spending time outside in nature with other young people and key adults, children and young people are developing skills, making lasting friendships, building resilience to meet challenges and finding their voice to express their needs and desires.

This early intervention and prevention work is vital to keep children and young people mentally and physically healthy, offering support networks that help them through the difficult times. Local greenspaces provide natural play areas, outdoor learning opportunities, a gentle therapeutic environment and just as important, agency through volunteering to give something back.

We are delighted to be partners in this strategy and to continue to contribute to youth and children’s work across the city.

Review the Strategy Document here.