
New Green Schools and Communities Co-ordinator Appointed

We are delighted to announce the appointment of Struan Johnston as The Green Team’s newest member of staff. Struan will be working with Margon on our Green Schools programme delivering environmental education and outdoor learning, mainly to primary schools in Edinburgh. This increased Schools work comes thanks to funding

2024-02-29T15:32:12+00:00February 29th, 2024|


GREEN SCHOOLS AND COMMUNITIES PROJECT CO-ORDINATOR20 hours a week / £30,732 pro rataCLOSING DATE FOR APPLICATIONS: 5pm, Friday 16th February 2024We are looking for someone with experience of delivering outdoor and environmental sessions with schools and communities, working with children and young people in outdoor learning settings and supporting volunteers.The

2024-02-08T10:12:44+00:00February 8th, 2024|

Edinburgh Youth and Children’s Work Strategy 2023-2028

Penny with the Edinburgh Youth and Children's Work Strategy Document (spot the Green Team Volunteers on the cover!)written by Penny Radway, CEO of The Green TeamI was delighted to attend the launch event of this strategy at the City Chambers on 3rd May, particularly as the Green Team was well

2023-05-25T16:12:24+01:00May 5th, 2023|

The Green Team attends Teach the Future Reception

written by Lorna Street, board member.Two of our young volunteers (Harris and Abby) went to the Scottish Parliament for the ‘Teach the Future’ campaign reception on 22nd March, with a trustee in tow, me - Lorna Street.Here, Harris and Abby share their experience of the evening:Harris: We went to a

2023-05-25T16:08:44+01:00March 27th, 2023|
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