girl sawing tree

Junior Rangers Award for young people aged 11-18

The Junior Rangers Award programme is a national award scheme for young people aged 11-18.  It aims to engage and equip young people with the skills involved in working in countryside management as a ranger. We are interested in providing this award as an opportunity for young people. We are keen to establish if there is sufficient interest in us running this programme, to get a better understanding of preferred days for running it and what value people would put on it.  The survey consists of only a few questions but your feedback could be vital.

The programme would involve taking part in a variety of different sessions over a year, around one day per month. Activities will include:

  • conservation tasks
  • learning scientific survey skills
  • bushcraft
  • leadership
  • navigation
  • first aid
  • communication
  • working with the public

Our programme would be delivered by a Green Team staff member working alongside countryside rangers on a variety of different sites.

Participants will be able to work towards their John Muir Award and Duke of Edinburgh award as part of this opportunity.

For more information about the initiative, please visit the Scottish Countryside Rangers’ Association.