Why Green Connections?
So much in recent years has changed the way we connect with each other and with nature. The recent pandemic highlighted the importance of nature and greenspaces for our mental health and wellbeing and the resulting shift to more home-working or hybrid models has increased our social isolation.
With around half of all workplace absence being attributed to stress, anxiety and depression¹, the importance of positive wellbeing at work has never been clearer. The human cost and the financial cost for employers* are both significant and well recognised.
* it is estimated that absence, reduced productivity and turnover will cost an employer £1,300 each year, for every member of staff employed².
The importance of fostering positive wellbeing for staff or team members in your care cannot be underestimated.
Who is the Green Connections programme for?
Our Green Connections programme runs in response to the overwhelming evidence for the wellbeing benefits of spending time in nature. The programme is aimed at employers and designed to supplement an organisation’s own wellness initiatives, with the aims of:
• Improving employee wellbeing – reducing stress, anxiety and absence
• Supporting a successful return to work
• Reinforcing positive organisational values
What does a session look like?
Each session will take a small group (maximum of 10 people) into quiet, greenspaces to take part in nature connection activities which encourage participants to:
• Connect with self: personal reflection in nature
• Connect with others: sharing around a fire and undertaking team orientated tasks such as tree-planting
• Connect with nature: deep nature connection activities such as mindful walks
Green Connections can be delivered to whole teams or individuals from different organisations. The programme is designed to be flexible – we can tailor the length of the sessions, duration of a programme and the balance of activities to meet the needs of your organisation and your staff team.
We will supply all required equipment/clothing and can provide transport if required.
Green Connections activities can also be combined with Green Champions sessions.
(1) ‘Work-related stress, anxiety or depression statistics in Great Britain, 2019’ published by the Health and Safety Executive
(2) ‘Mental health at work: the business costs ten years on’ Parsonage and Saini, The Centre for Mental Health, 2017