Monthly Archives: November 2020

What will you make for MAKE SMTHNG Week?

Great resources for Make SMTHNG Week Make SMTHNG WEEK is a global event that coincides with Black Friday and the beginning of the Christmas period. The movement encourages people to take time during the week to make something new, fix something broken or upcycle something to give it

2020-11-24T13:30:25+00:00November 24th, 2020|

Green Team seeks donations for Christmas Online Auction

'tis the season of giving 12 Days of Christmas - Green Team Online Auction It's been that kind of a year so this December we are doing something a little different! From the 1st to the 12th of December we will be running an online auction to raise

2020-11-19T12:08:40+00:00November 19th, 2020|
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